Wednesday, 30 March 2011


For the digital stage i have been designing some quick illustrations for a mock up,
they are letting me print in PCAD, however it will be at a cost...

some quick doodles on illustrator, needs a lot of work though!


The building of the structure which i will be hanging my piece's on,
the woodwork guys have been a lot of help! :)

MDF structure....Its my height and is being made so it can be transported and assembled at Royal William Yard!
This is getting exciting!!!!


Embroidery into dyed fabric :)

Stiffening process...


This Process has been exciting,
Even the cleaning process leaves me covered in paint.

I've been learning how the machine will respond to the metal...
Its taking time but its appearing how i had hoped!
Some images....

im going to add a few update posts in the next few days,
a lot has been happening!
thanks for reading,
son :)