Thursday, 2 December 2010

4 days till assessment.....


4 days till assessment and im pretty chilled....i don't think this is normal!!!
I have just been making some video's to present alongside my work,
they are in the style of Gillian Wearing's work 'Signs' 1992-93...

I'm doing a little performance piece for my assessment...need to organise how it will appear,i've never done performance before properly, so its a bit of a challenge for myself.....I seem to enjoy making things difficult, also need to organise my work.....*fingers crossed*

Might be doing a collaborative piece as well, see how that pans out :) will be exciting,
yet another thing i have not completed before....i will update again soon...


Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Well its deffo winter now!...
Done some more work, some textiles some digital,
think i have managed to bring the racism idea in my project to a close now,
hopefully my tutor will feel the same....we will see today!

its 8:45 and ive been up since 6:30....deffo third year now...
Below are some process images that ive been experimenting with....some of the do look a bit scary i must admit...
The idea is to present an event that ended in several arrests, this even happened in Leicester on 9th October 2010,
it was meant to be a silent protest....but didnt really go that way, the two groups involved were the EDL and the UAF...
The whole event was a target for racial theres a little info and here are some the images i have made masks for the people, which are re-workings on recognisable media imagery...."The Immigration Channel" as i found mentioned in an EDL blogpost....

I intend to take an image of these 'masks' on 5 people lined up infront of a police line up height chart,
i will add some of my textile images later today :)
thanks for reading,
Son :)

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

"Monkey to Man, Needle To Mouse"

Some images from my current project....
My project is called "Monkey to Man, Needle to Mouse"...
I am exploring the effect of technology and time-scale on the textile process,
i intend to produce an installation for our degree show,
i am currently in the process of beginning each stage of the process exploring different textile methods including digital print making.

I am also considering the elements i have previously about being Asian-British and am including this in each stage of my installation. I am also giving myself rules, to abide by, such as the amount of minutes i can work on each colour....
ill add more pictures from different stages soon :)
thanks for reading,
Son :)

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Dissertation begins....

Summer seems to be disappearing rapidly,
Work is fun though :) but i need to get the creativity flowing again!
Did some dissertation research and found some AMAZING artists,
this is the beginning and i might be able to exhibit in Leicester!! :) yay!

Cn't wait to get ack to the Seaside :) x

Some amazing artists/designers :)

Jim Drain!

Manish Arora (Fashion)

Michael Brennand Wood :)
Maurizio Anzeri "Camera Obscura"

Thursday, 27 May 2010

experimenting with illustrator....

.........playing with tracing an image

....another quick image,
learning the tools and stuffs!

son x

Exhibition Over

Well....what to do now?
Seems like the rush is over and now i'm bored,
need to get the creative juices flowing....
learning how to use illustrator properly...
this is my first little bit of graphics...needs some work!
hopefully more to come soon :)

son x

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Exhibition Up: Cut & Paste: A Fresh Ensemble

The exhibition is up, my piece is called "Threads That Bind".
Four main themes:

thanks Sonya :)

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Exhibition work

A bit of an update on my exhibition piece :)

heres some more images of it....its still in the process of being completed :) final images soon!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Textiles into Sculpture...

This is the project i am working on at the moment, i have stitched text once again, but am exploring different processes as to how to make this stitched text into stand alone sculptural piece's. This is work in progress at the moment :)


Culture, Identity and Experience are currently the main focuses of my art practice. Process is also a huge element in my work, exploring new ways of using materials and creating unusual outcomes, or reversing traditional processes. For example, I have used photogram's as an altering process for textiles. By making the textile piece’s, photogramming them and them introducing other elements of textiles in the darkroom process.


I do Henna as a hobby really...these are some that i have done recently :)


This is the installation which i present my textile piece's alongside. The space is filled with text from the interview's and research that i had done for this project. the entire space was covered in text, even the floor, chairs, table etc. I wanted the viewer to feel bombarded with information, as this is how i felt making this piece.


I have been using stitch to create portraits of people that i have interviewed. In the images above i used standard stitch, however for the image in the middle i started to introduce some text as well, which are the words that the person in the piece has spoke to me about.

This project was socially engaged, and i worked within the community to find the information to work with in these piece's. The information begins to come through in this project, but has developed a lot more in latter piece's.

I also have an installation that goes alongside this project which i will upload in a separate post :)